Cheats: You have the following start parameters for cheating: /TURBO -- Turbo mode; press BREAK and FIRE to accelerate the car /JUMP -- Jumpp; press BREAK and ACCELERATE to make the car jump /HOG -- 99 hogs /ICE -- 99 ice /FIRE -- 99 fire balls /NOW -- Skip intro /KID -- Kid mode /2 od. /3 -- Double or triple speed /DEBUG -- Create a ERR.LOG file as you play <<>> By using these steps, you can play with the character and on the level shown. 1. Begin a new game 2. Choose your character 3. Choose the amateur level 4. Choose 6 lap race 5. Choose engine speed 6. Choose Bronze Wheels race 7. Escape the game when the race starts 8. Save and Quit Then, when the demo of the character and race you want starts, stop it and restore your game. Submitted by NWOSUX ( <<>> This code will let you play as Uno or Sultan in the shareware version. Choose single player racing Choose a vehicle Choose amateur class Choose six lap race Choose an engine Choose bronze wheels race Now wait for the first race to start, then press ESC, save your game, and quit the race. From here you have two options: To play as Uno the Panda, choose Ordering Info and wait for the demo to begin. Press ESC and return to the main menu. To play as Sultan the Camel, let the first demo run and wait for the second demo to begin, then press ESC to return to the main menu. Do not choose Ordering Info. To finish, choose a single player game and restore your saved game. You are able to combine the cheats e.g. WW.EXE FIRE /3 will make the car have 99 fire balls and go with triple speed.